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Recently, the exfoliative cytology has been playing an important role as one of the method of early diagnosis of cancer not only in the clinical field but also in the field of public health.
In the otolaryngological field, however, there have been only few reports concerning the cytological diagnosis of laryngeal cancer bec-ause of that the biopsy has been regarded as the most conclusive method up-to-date.
Following the careful study, the author has tried to solve the question, whether or not the exfoliative cytology could be the valuable method for diagnosis of laryngeal cancer.
As the result of this study, it has been obtained that it is possible to predict the several aspects in cancerous and precancerous conditions following the detailed analysis of cellular abnormality of the exfoliated laryn-geal cells.
The most useful classification for the anal-ysis of atypical epithelial cells described by Kern is as follows:
1) Pseudo-dyskaryotic (dysplastic) cells
2) Dyskaryotic cells
3) Uniform atypical cells
4) Polymorphous atypical cells
These exfoliated pathological cells are sign-ificant for the prediction of cancer such as ; Pseudodyskaryotic cells indicating dysplastic atypical epithelium, dyskaryotic cells indicat-ing carcinoma in situ, polymorphous atypical cells indicating invasive cancer.
As based on the criteria mentioned above, cytological pictures of exfoliated cells taken from the larynx in 50 cases were analysed. All of these materials were collected at the department of Otolaryngology, Helsinki Unive-rsity Hospital. Of all cases, 4 had doubtful atypical cells in their smears and were dete-rmined histologically as carcinoma in situ. Two of these cases showed no clinical featureof malignancy. Of 32 cases of laryngeal cancer detected by biopsy, 27 cases had uniform and polymorphous atypical cells in their smears. The accuracy of cytological diagnosis of can-cer in the larynx is 84.4 %. The smear that contains atypical cells, pseudodyskaryotic cell s or dyskaryotic cells, can be derived from those cases which are chronic laryngitis, polyp, pachydermia, leukoplakia and papilloma.
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