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Fitzgerald, Hallpike(1942)が冷温交互試験によつて眼振方向優位性directional Preponderanc(DP)を判定し病巣の局在的診断の可能性を発表して以来,その価値は高く評価されて来た。しかし,最近に至り半規管麻痺canal paresis(CP)やDPの如何によつて,中枢性病変であるか末梢性病変であるかを判定する事は因難であるという見解が生れて来た。
The nystagmus test proposed by lno in 1955 as Z-test was reevaluated by its application in examination of 50 cases. It was shown thot to a certain degree it was possible by using this test to differenciate the lesions between central and peripheral in their origin. It was considered as significant that when changes occurred in the lengths of the latent period of the nystagmus the lesion was construed as peripheral in origin.

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