

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌

Published Date 1962/6/20
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1492202859

 The effect of hearing among individuals who are engaged in a workshop constantly exposed to medium degree noise is studied. Hearing loss calculations are made by a formula, 1/4(a+2b+c);(provided that:Loss of 500c/s is considered as a db, that of 1,000 c/s as b db and 2,000 c/s as c db). The results of this examination is compared to the next examination which was slightly differed by adopting a formula, 1/4(a+2b+d) where 500 c/s loss is considered as a db, 1,000 c/s as b db and 4,000 c/s as d db.

 Two hundred seventy four employees 548 ears constantly exposed to medium degree noise of 60 to 100 phon in loudness were studied for hearing acuity by means of 51B audiometer ; objective results and the subjective sensation of hearing abilities were also studied in comparison.

 The subjective and the objective hearings were not necessarily in agreement;in some the gap between the two was cosiderable. There were 11.7% of the total number who considered themselves to be normal but showed a loss of hearing. Subjectively normal individuals suffering tinnitus as the only symptom showed a hearing loss among 20.5%. On the other hand, those who considered themselves as slightly hard of hearing were by objective test found to be normal by 35.1%. Subjective loss with tinnitus showed a normalcy of 27.3%. The loss hearing increased proportionately with the increase of age particularly beyond the age of 41.

Copyright © 1962, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 0386-9679 医学書院


