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broad spectrum antibioticsの一種として登場したエリスロマイシン(アイロタイシン)(EM)は,1952年Mc Guireにより土壌中のStreptomyces erythreusより抽出された白色結晶性抗生物質で,大型ビールス,大部分のグラム陽性菌,一部のグラム陰性桿菌,リケッチャ,スピロヘータ,並びに2〜3の原虫に有効とされ臨床的に有効な抗生物質として使用されて来た。
Illosone tablets were used in 30 cases of otolaryngological diseases. The agent appeared to be effective in 9 cases out of the 13 who suffered acute otitis media : in 5 cases of tonsillitis 4 cases were cured by it. In aural furunculosis the agent was effective in all 7 cases.
The agent proved to be highly effective in 8 cases and considerably so in 13 ; it was also found to be completely effective towards gram-positive diplococci and streptococci but towards staphylococci only 66.7 %. No effectivity was shown on the remaining 33.3 % of staphylococci and on gram-negative rod bacilli.

Copyright © 1961, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.