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どうしたことか,本邦ではこの疾患の最初の報告者として時代の異る2人の外人が引用されている。A. S. Kaufman(1917)とMc Bride(1896)である。
Concerning priority on the report of granuloma gangraenescens literature of this country cites A. S. Kaufman (1917) ; but, in the literature of other countries Mc Bride (1896) is referred as the first person reporting on this disease. Because of such a discrepancy the authors undertook to investigate the facts of the situation by making a review of 138 reports that have been, heretofore, published in the literature. The following conclusions are drawn from this study:
That, the first person who reported the disease in this country erroneously quoted A. S. Kaufman (1917) as a reference in the foreign literature; and, the authors who contributed their reports thereafter simply quoted this erroneous reference without factual ascertainment.
That, the disease reported by A. S. Kaufman (1917) appears to he different than what is characterized by the term granuloma gangraenescens. This fact has been verified by the study of photostatic copy of Kaufman's original article.
That. Mc Bride's article antedates that of Kaufman and moreover the former's description of the disease has greater conformity to the facts.
The first reporter of this disease in this country seems to be Reikichi Kokubu (1915).

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