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嗅覚感受の方法については経鼻性のほかに,血行性嗅覚の存在することが,Bednär,Langfelder石川等によつて認められているが,その嗅覚検査方法としては,専ら経鼻性の感受性を利用したものが大部分を占めている。すなわちZwaardemarker氏嗅覚計,Woodrow and Karpmann氏嗅覚計,Elsberg氏嗅覚計のほか,簡単なものとしてValentin,Nicolas u. Bailey西邑,Guilot氏等の階段稀釈嗅素液を直接被検者にかがせる方法がある。これ等の方法のうちで簡単なものでは嗅覚の物理的条件が考慮されておらず,またそれを満足させるものは複雑で臨床的な方法としては適しない。
Using arinamin as a source of smell the smelling sense is investigated among normal persons and those who were affected with anosmia by blockage of the nasal passage : the agent being employed by nasal route as well as the intravenous. There appeared to be a close interrelation between the two conditions mentioned : the degree of sense smell obtained when the agent was given intravenously would reflect the degree of disturbance of respiratory sense as well. The sense of smell through respiratory route appeared to have a primary importance in the mechanism of this function. By employment of intravenous route a quantitative analysis of the degree of sense of smell could be made but, with it, each nostril should be considered as separate entity

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