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生体の組織細胞はすべて組織液の中に浸つて生活し,組織液の物理化学的性質はclaude Bernardの云う内部環境を形成している。この内部環境を保持する為に重要な電解質は陽イオンとしては,Na,K,Mgであり,陰イナンとしては,Cl,HCO3である。この中で特に大切と思われるものは,Na,K,Clイオンの3者である。而して此等電解質の重要性は輸液の問題や脳下垂体副腎皮質系の内分泌学の進歩に伴つて注目を集める様になつた。その上焔光光度計の完成によつてその研究に拍車をかける様になり,従来の定量法より極めて迅速且つ簡易にNa,Kの定量が可能となつた。
Serum sodium and potassium are measured by means of electric photometry in 18 cases of persons affected with chronic maxillary sinusitis and compared to similar measurements taken upon 35 normal persons forcontrols. A large difference in the amount of these substances are noted between persons who are normal and those who are affected with sinusitis. Serum sodium and potassium showed a marked decrease immediately after the operation ; these substances become gradually increased, beginning 2-3 days postoperatively, thereafter. No relation was recognized between the actual amount of thesubstances and the condition in which the sinus mucous membrane may be found. Serum sodium became increased when the amount of operative hemorrhage exceeded beyond 300cc but, this is regarded as an apparent manifestation because of the decreased amount of blood that were in the circulation.

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