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術創の治癒時に於ける病理組織学的問題に就いて橋爪は『篩骨洞の上皮は再生し始めの頃は,上皮の高さ低く繊毛もないが,漸次高くなつて35日には繊毛を認め,47日以後は総て繊毛を生ずる。然し腺組織は再生を見ない。再生血管は時の経過に従つて少くなり,2年4ヵ月後には血管を認めず瘢痕様の硝子変性に陥つている』。と謂つている。此の骨面上のFibrosisは抵抗が弱くて,Erosionを作り再感染へと進み易い事は,Good Year及び西端が指摘している。
Moriyasu staes that, following surgical treat-ment of ethmoiditis, there is a tendency for recurrence of the disease,if the healing of the cavity which is formed after removal of cells happens to end in deformity.This type of healing is inclined to be estblished when the entrance of the middle meatus is created as to be too large a space, affording passage of air quite large in amount and against which the nature seem to provide some sort of protection. Following observations are pres-ented to confirm such facts.
(1) The current of the inspired air seems to have the largest adverse influence on the cavity postoperatively.
(2) The larger such an entrance happens to be created the greater seems to be that in-fluence.
(3) The effects of such an adverse influence may be obviated by fixing in position the middle turbinate laterally,but, by doing so a larger space will be given to the olfactory cleft and,thereby, the sphenoid cavity may be affected.

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