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Epirocain is a new local anesthetic produ-ced by Eizai pharmacentical Co. ltd. in Japan.
The authors investigated the anethetical ability of this compound fundamentally, then we applied it to,patients in clinical uses.
We chiefly observed the influences action of this drug on the ciliary movements of the pharyngo-palatinal membranes of frogs and that of the tracheas of rabbits, and compared this results with other local anaesthetics, for examples Lidocaine and Cocaine.
When we used Epirocain as a surface ane-sthetics or a local infiltration anesthetics in water solution of 4% and 2% respectively, which was the enough concentration to get a good local anesthetical effects, the ciliary movements were little disturved and more ovew they were reversible.
In clinical application, Epirocain showed excellent effect for alleviation of pain during oto-rhinolaryngological operations.
The authors could observe observed hardly any side reaction of this drug in all series of experiences.

Copyright © 1958, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.