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音響性外傷の研究は第二次大戦以来特に輝しいものがあり,Rüedi, Furrer, Perlman, Davis,Peyser, Tomatis 等の研究を初め,本邦に於ても後藤,藤野,田中氏等の実験的研究を見,騒音と聴力検査に就ては俣野,小西,菅野氏等,音響と身体諸反応に関しては内海,高橋氏等,工場騒音と従業員聴力に就ては数多の業績があり,又,大沢,法水氏は通信従業員に就て,楠岡,西岡氏は交通機関従業員に就て報告し,其他音響性外傷と聴力に就ては河田教授の"音響性外傷としての騒音問題"なる宿題報告が行われている。
Hearing tests are conducted among indivi-duals who have been constantly exposed to noise ranging from 70-90 phon in their res-pective place of occupation for the period of 1 year group A. for 15 years groop B and for 30 years group C. The group B lead with the number showing C5 dip and it was follo-wed by group C: the least number was sho-wn in group A. A significant difference is noted in decibel hearing loss at 4000 c/s among the three group when the results are compared to each other.
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