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Hyo and associates summarise their observations on laryngeal tuberculosis for the past years since the advent of streptomycin which has been employed specifically for the treatment of this disease, as follow:
(1) Laryngeal tuberculosis which appeared to have decreased in incidence for a time seems to be, again, on the increase.
(2) Aged persons are more prone to the infection.
(3) Morphologically the lsions appear to be changing from the ugual ulcerative type to that of papillomatous and cancerous in appearance.
(4) The latter state may be explained by the fact that, due to the efficacy of present method of treatment the resolution of the lesion may be established to simmulate a cure, both subjectively and objectively, without its true realization. Cousequently, the treatments may fall short of the target to be attained with the lesion changing its form into papilloma or tuberculoma only to gain ulcerative area on top of such changes.

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