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Hirayama investigates he question of the effect of focal infection on the heat particu-larly that of chronic sinusitis as that foci effecting the results to be found by electro-cardiography. Fifty chronic sinusitis are selected for this purpose in whom elctrocar-diographic records are obtained and there-after, the patients are operated upon by radical sinus operation. Slight cardiographic changes are noted in 12 cases of the 50 (24%) consisting of 2 cases showing abnormality in the right limb lead; 2 of left-sided myoca-rditis; 4 of right-sided cardiac hypertrophy: 1 of left-sided cardiac hypertrophy; 2 of sinus arrhythmia and 1 case of tachycardia. Follow-ing radical sinus operation recoverd of the cardiac condition is seen in 3 cases (25%) that covered 2 cases of sinus arrhythmia and 1 cases of right limb lead abnormality. Howe-ver, the case showing tachycardia was chang-ed to that of bradycardia following the operation. Recovery is found to be a great difficulty in cases revealing cardiac hypertro-phy. The relation between the conditions in which the sinus may be found, such as the degree in which purulency may be prevalent, in wbich sinus mucous membrane changes established is difficult to recognize. Yet, on the whole, it appears that while cases that show electrocadiographic changes are mostly those showing mucous membrane changes allergic in character, in this particular type the recovery is most favorable.

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