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慢性上顎洞炎に対する化学療法に就いては現在迄に幾多の報告があるが,吾が教室に於いては,上顎洞排泄機能検査施行の意味もあり,又洞内分泌潴溜液より重く,洞壁に比較的粘着性が強い意味から40% Moljodolに油性Penicillinを混和し,注洞して居つたが,近年Penicillinの副作用が多々報告され,此の油性Penicillin注洞療法にても副作用の惹起される可能性が考えられ,一方外国文献を見るに,慢性副鼻腔炎の化学療法の際に,粘膜収縮剤の併用を力説して居る。其処で吾々は先きに発表せる持続性粘膜収縮剤のNeo-Synesin Jellyに局所使用に有効と言われるSulfisomidin Natriumを加えて混和剤となし,慢性上顎洞炎患者に応用し見るべき成果をおさめ得たので此処に報告する次第である。
Daito and associates use, for treatment of chronic maxillary sinusitis, neo-synesin jelly combined with 10% sodium-sulfisomidin compound as agents to be instilled in the sinus cavities.
(1) Active property of the combined agent is not changed in any way at 72 hours exposure to varied degrees of temperture.
(2) A remarkable effect of the agents thus used lay in the fact that it affords a relief of symptoms to the patients even before objective improvements are clearly recognizable. This effect may be due to a condition in which the agents instilled in the sinus cavity have a property, as they are gradually expelled, to cause a certain amount of contraction of the swollen mucous membrane surrounding the sinus exit, and, thereby, facilitating a better drainage.
(3) No side-reaction is noted in the use of this agent: because of its jellform it is retained in the sinus cavity for relatively a long period of time. The jelly may be perfumed to give a pleasant odor.
(4) Because of the difficulty that is met with in making a determination of the actual stability of the combined agent, the mixture is prepared necessarily at the time of its use. Further study is being conducted on clarification of such an aspect.

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