

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌

Published Date 1956/4/20
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1492201537

Fujino compares the results of treatment in acute otitis media as obtained during the days pre-antibiotics contrasted with that after the advent of antibiotics. The number of cases studied amounted to 93 that categorically belong to the former era as against 374 belonging to the latter. Listing the results in descending order from exellent, good, fair and bad, exel-lent results are obtained when penicillin dosa-ge used was adequate in amount: good with use of similar doasge of sulfa-drugs. Poor results are obtained with uses of penicillin in doses in-adequate in amount: likewise in results and do-ses with use of sulfa-drugs. The sulfa-drugs mentioned here consisted chiefly of sulfathiazol,

However, it is to be noted that, the good re-sults obtaiped during the period pre-antibiotic might be considered as equal to that regarded as poor after the advent of penicillin.

The author concludes that in face of danger with impending allergic reactions by use of pe-nicillin there is the necessity of giving a reco-nsideration to the value of sulfa-drugs, in tre-atment of acute otitis media, when the poten-cy of this agent falls only slightly below that of the penicillin.

Copyright © 1956, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 印刷版ISSN 0386-9679 医学書院


