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ストレプトーマイシン,特にヂヒドロストレプトマイシンに因る聴覚障碍の発生には,個人差が大いに関係していることが知られ,その点に関して本症発生の機転に種々の考察が行われて来た。曾つてBrown and Hinshaw,Farrington et al.,Mc dermott等によれば,ストレプトマイシンによつて聴覚障碍を来にた症例は,事実上次の項の中のいずれかに該当すのものであることが認められていた。即ち
Tsuiki studied 65 cases of hearing disturbances caused by streptomycin therapy in order to ascertain the underlying etiology. To the causative factors, the author states, the dosage, the method of administration of streptomycin as well as functional state of kidneys found in the individual could not be altogether disregarded yet, such factors alone may not be held to be solely responsible for the establishment of the disease. There is that element which is an individual variation. And for this foctor, the author maintains that, it may be accounted for in part by that presece of congenital weakness in the anatomical make-up of the hearing apparatus on the part of the particular individual.
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