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Naito and Kawamura report 3 cases of toxic symptoms encountered in streptomycin therapy in female patients whose ages were 36, 43 and, 18 months respectively. Complete loss of vesti-bular function is met with which was common to all three but manifestation of this symptom which occurred after administration of 15-20gm. of this antibiotic agent particularly with adult cases seeemed to be earlier in the coarase of therapy than similar cases reported from the United States in comparison. No evidence of loss of hearing nor of manifestations of other toxic symptoms is observed. No beneit is deri-ved from parenteral injection of 80 cc of 5 % aqueous solution of sodium bicarbonate for alle-viating the condition. Patients' subjective sen-sations appeared to have improved after elapse of one month's time but vestibular function test remains unchanged.

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