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SENGOKU proposes a method by which a coefficient of the amount of air that may pass through a given nose may be calculated at ease and practical, deriving thereby, a numerical ba-sis for the diagnosis of impaired breathing. The air is lead out from a simple tank conta-ining a known quaniity by means of a rubber tubing and allowed to pass through a normal nose noting the time of its passage; similarly, the nose under examination. The square of the proportion of these time difference becomes the confficient.In the normal nose the value of this is 1; should it fall below 1 the nasal con-dition is considered better than normal; above 1, the condition is worse. Objective clinical fin-dings closely coincide the results that are obt-ained by numerical figures. Subjective feeling of the patients also bear out this general trend but at times the sensation of the impairement in breathing may over-influence their though-ts.

Copyright © 1955, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.