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上気道の一部をなしている副鼻腔及び腔粘膜の氈毛運動に就いての研究は古くより種々の方法に依つてなされ,直接顕微鏡下に氈毛運動を観察する方法,粘膜上に置かれたる指標の移動に依つて間接に観察する法,更に副鼻腔内に注入した溶液の排泄状況より氈毛運動を間接に観察する方法等がある.而してJates(1)は副鼻腔内注入溶液にIndigocarminを使用し,Phillips(2)は墨汁を用ひて其の排泄状況を肉眼的に観察し,又 King(3),Müller(4),最近ではProetz(5)が注入溶液に造影剤を用ひて其の排泄状況を「レ」線的観察してをり,いづれも洞内注入溶液の排泄は洞粘膜氈毛運動に依つて直接行われると為している.
ISHIKAWA investigated the nature and manner in which the shaddow is produced in roentgenograms when radio-opaque moljodol is instilled into a diseased sinus as well as the normal and, also, as to how it is eliminated. A 40 per cent strength of moljodol solution was used and roentgenograms were obtained in anterior-posterior positions.
In normal sinnses the shaddow produced appeared to be irregularly blurred and light at its upper line of demarcation which led to the positin of the natural orifice along the inner wall of the sinus.
In diseased sinuses or ones that have been operatde upon the shaddow produced were clear-cut in its outline and the fluid level showed a straightline.
By comparison of the differences attained by the two conditions at nariance the acthor assumed the irregularly blurred shaddow of the normal sinus is a product of active ciliary actions and vis versa, the diseased sinus and ones which have been operated upon are devoid of this activity.

Copyright © 1952, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.