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Ogura reports on a case of cholesteatoma of external aural meatus the origin of which was the affect of trauma. The patient, a girl aged 20, sustained a fracture of zygomatic arch when a piece of the fractured bone pierced through the external meatus. Subsequently, the aural canal was completely occluded by exuberations of granulation tissues, at the site of injury, and by formation of partial epithelial pocket con-taining such granulations. Formation of chole-steatoma in this case, the author explains, is on the theory that occlusion of external meatus caused accumulation of casted off surface epi-thelia during the process of wound healing ; this process acting as stimulant in some such manner to activate the germinal layer of the skin in that area relevant to increased rate of epithelial formation and, thereby, into choles-teatoma. Neither the middle nor the inner ear was involved in the process; hearing loss which was noted as mostly affecting high tones recover-ed after the operation; and, serum cholestrin by blood analysis was not increased.

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