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Horiguchi says in order to effect a cure in treatment of chronic maxillary sinusitis it is important to know the source by which such inflammatory processes are provoked and, sets the criteria of determining or not a given ma-xillary sinusitis is dental in origin by following crucial points of differentiation:
(A) When onset of sinusitis follow that of den- tal disturbances of any sort such as extrac- tions, toothaches etc., in which case the patient in most circumstances will be able to relate with certain amount of accuracy relative date of the onset of the disease. (Dynamic relations).
(B) When pathological connection between maxillary canal of its corresponding pulp cavity with that of the sinus be established. In which case the bacterial flora of the oral cavity may be recoverable from the sinus discharge. (Static relations). However, it is to be noted that latter condition is not yet a clearly established fact.
(C) When sinusitis is cured by removal of the teeth or tooth in question.
Obviously when sinusitis answer any one or all of above conditions the seat of its origin must be considered as that of dental and many cases of chronic sinusitis may fall in just such category. Eight cases of chronic sinusitis havi-ng their seat of origin in dental disburbances are reported here. Among them, it is to be noted that, some underwent conservative tre-atment for fully 8 months without appreciable fovorable effects while, othes were treated by radical operations with only unsuccessful results. However, with removal of the teeth in question all of these 8 cases are completely cured within 2 to 3 weeks of time. Several teeth thus remo-ved, upon a casual glance, were quite normal in appearance but on a close scrutiny under micr-oscopic examination they were invariably afflict-ed with gangrenous pulpitis. The author emph-asizes the possibility that when examination of chronic sinusitis is observed in this manner, that is whether it is of nasal or of oral in orig-in, the latter type would be by the far more exceeding in number than the former.

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