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Hata and his associates report a case of "mu-cosus" otitis media which, in spite of having instituted relatively early mastoidectomy, saw progress to infectious involemens of petrous py-ramid. A man 36 years old developed "muco-sus" otitis media. Myringotomy is performed on the tnird day of the disease which is follo-ved in turn with mastoidectomy on the 16th day. On the seventh post-operative day a discharge of pus under pulsation is discovered oozing from a sinus situated in the posterior, superior region above the superior semicircular canal. An X-ray picture is taken with injection of io-dized oil and insertion of a small sound in the sinus. As a paliative measure the sinus is en-larged at its outlet and the cavity in the pe-trous pyramid to which it lead is irrigated daily with "rivanol" solution. During this treatment the patient complained of otalgia, nocturnal hea-daches and deep ocular pains but, serious com-plications such as paralysis of external rectus muscles of the eyes are not manifested. The patient is cured in 3 1/2 months. Blood sedi. mentation tests that were made from time to time is stated to have served an excellent indications for the progress of the disease.

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