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頭蓋内hemangiopericytoma(HPC)は易出血性の腫瘍のたあ手術時出血コントロールが非常に難しい,従来多量出血のため部分摘出や生検に終わらざるを得なかった症例8,10,19)や術中死亡または術後早期での死亡の報告も見られる7,8,10).今回われわれは頭蓋内巨大HPCに対し術前貯血式自己血輸血(Preoperative Autologous Transfusion:PAT)と希釈式自己血輸血(Hemodilutional Autolo-gous Transfusion:HAT)を併用し,全摘し得た1例を報告するとともにHPC手術における自己血輸血の有用性を報告する.
We report successful operations for a meningeal hemangiopericytoma using sufficient amounts of Preoperative Autologous Transfusion (PAT) and Hemodilutional Autologous Transfusion (HAT). A 23-year-old woman with ame-norrhea and bilateral visual field disturbance was found to have a huge intracranial tumor. MRI showed a well-en-hanced cystic mass in the left middle fossa, suprasellar, intrasellar, sphenoidal sinus, and cavernous sinus. Preoperatively, the tumor was thought to be a cystic pituitary tumor or meningioma. Surgical removal was planned in three steps. The first operation was carried out via the transsphenoidal approach.

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