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From December 1995 to July 1997, six patients with primary malignant lymphoma in the central nervoussystem were treated with 2 to 5 cycles of the M-CHOP regimen (methotrexate 3g/m2 on day 1, cyclophos-phamide 750mg/m2 on day 1, doxorubicin 40mg/m2 on day 1, vincristine 1.4mg/m2 on day 1, and predoni-solone 60mg on day 1 to 14 : folic acid was given 3 hours after methotrexate at 10mg/m2 every 3 hours for9 doses intravenously). Five patients achieved complete remission (CR) and one experienced partial remis-sion (PR). Posttherapeutic studies were performed in all patients with an average follow-up period of20.1months (range 8.1-26.8 months) after confirming the diagnosis. There was no evidence of recurrenceofthe tumors or growth of residual tumors in any of the patients in this period. The major toxic effectwasmyelosupression with leukopenia. Alopecia was observed in all patients. No treatment-relateddeaths wereobserved. The M-CHOP regimen seems to be a promising treatment for primary malignant lymphoma inthe central nervous system.

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