

書誌情報 詳細検索 by 医中誌


Clinicopathological studies of craniocerebral gunshot injuries Toshiro SHIMURA 1,6 , Toshiji MUKAI 3,4 , Akira TERAMOTO 1 , Shigeki TODA 1 , Yasuhiro YAMAMOTO 2 , Toshihiko NAKAMURA 4 , Takehiko TAKATORI 5 , Takahiko ENDO 3,4 1Department of Neurosurgery, Nippon Medical School 2Department of Critical Care Medicine, Nippon Medical School 3Department of Legal Medicine, Tokyo Medical College 4Tokyo Metropolitan Government Medical Examiner's Office 5Department of Legal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tokyo Keyword: gun shot wound , craniocerbral , CT scan , autopsy case , histopathology pp.607-612
Published Date 1997/7/10
DOI https://doi.org/10.11477/mf.1436901415
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Gunshot wounds are rare in Japan because of few regulatory laws against the possession of guns. Never-theless such wounds are increasing in prevalence these days. Reports on the microscopic findings concerning these intracerebral lesions are fewer than those on the macroscopic findings in the scalp, the skull and the in-tracranial cavity. In this study we evaluated computed tomographical and histopathological findings in cra-niocerebral gunshot injuies.

Cases: Nine patients with gunshot wounds to the head were presented. All were male and the age ranged from 17 to 66 years. Four were suicides and four were attempted murders and the last one was of unknown etiology. Morphological examination was performed on 5 autopsy cases. The distance of the bullet from the cranial cavity was as follows: long distance, 4 cases; close contiguity, 5 cases. The calibers of the weapons were as follows: 38mm in 6 cases, 45mm in 1 case and unknown in 2 cases.

Results: CT scans were examined in six cases, which revealed a missile track, hemorrhagic contusion, traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage and marked ten-sion pneumocephalus. In some cases, CT scan also re-vealed bony and metallic fragments, some deep within the cranial cavity. In the histopathological study, we found marked swollen brain (brain weight over 1500mg) and hemorrhagic contusion in the vicinity of the missile track and interhemispheric fissure, and widespread traumatic subarachnoid hemorrhage and in-traventricular hematoma. We would like to emphasize especially the remote contusion seen in the distant part of the missile track as well as massive exsudation and hemorrhage around the nerve fiber bundles.

Remote contusion was observed in the inferior sur-face of the fronto-temporal lobes, and bilateral hemor-rhagic contusion was seen in the vicinity of the supe-rior longitudinal fissure on CT scans and autopsy find-ings. In one case, the bullet rotated within the intracra-nial cavity.

In conclusion, nine cases of craniocerebral gunshot injuries were examined, while we also reviewed the medical literature concerning the shearing injury pro-duced by gunshot brain wounds. The head injuries were further delineated by the correlation between autopsy and computerized tomography findings.

Copyright © 1997, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.


電子版ISSN 1882-1251 印刷版ISSN 0301-2603 医学書院


