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重症頭部外傷では,serial CT scanの普及により,受傷直後より遅れて生じる,あるいは手術後に手術部位とは異なる部位に新たに生じる病態,すなわち遅発性脳内血腫などのnew lesionsの出現が注目されている8,24,25).しかしながらこれら病態のCT scanと比較検討した剖検例の病理組織学的な報告は極めて少ない3,17,20).本稿では,serial CT scan上,いわゆるdiffuse axonalinjury(以下DAIと略す)を呈した5剖検例の主として中枢神経系の病理組織学的所見につき検討した結果を報告する.
In severe head injuries, delayed intracerebral hematoma appearing lately is noted due to the spread use of serial CT scan. The authors experienced the autopsy of 5 cases who presented diffuse axonal injury (DAI) among these new lesions in repeated CT scan findings and report the pathohistological findings.
Subjects were as follows : The age range of the patients was 15 to 25 years. The consciousness levels of the 5 cases on admission were 6 or less by the Glasgow coma scale. CT findings of DAI were revealed hemorrhage of the corpus callosum, basal ganglia, tegmentum of pons, intraventricular, and acute brain swelling.

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