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We report a case of basilar impression treated with mandible splitting transoral approach surgery.
A 39-year-old man presented a ten-year history of gait disturbance. He had experienced acceleration of his spastic paraparesis for the past few years. Neurological examination on admission demonstrated tetraparesis (MMT4/5), severe hyperreflexia in his arms and legs, severe sensory loss below C2, urinary retention and in-ability to open his mouth widely. Radiological findings showed the dens and the body of C2 are deeply in-vaginated to the atlas and the foramen magnum and medulla and upper cervical cord were markedly com-pressed by this basilar invagination.
After carrying out posterior decompression and occi-pito-cervical fixation, we attempted to remove the inva-ginated dens and the C2 vertebral body using a conven-tional transoral approach. But limitation of mouth open-ing made operative fields narrow. Consequently be-cause of insufficient anterior decompression his neu-rological deficits could not be alleviated.
Employment of mandible splitting procedure brought about a wide operative view so that complete removal of the residual dens and 70% drilling out of the C2 body was made possible. Postoperative complications were negligible. Finally, great alleviation of his deficits was achieved.
Mandible splitting procedure is effective for obtain-ing a wide operative field on the anterior approach to the craniocervical junction.

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