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The outcome of acute subdural hematoma (ASDH), which can cause severe parenchymal injury, has gene-rally been unsatisfactory. The standard surgical proce-dure for ASDH is a quick and wide opening by dural incision, removal of the subdural and contusional intra-cerebral hematoma, followed by large external and in-ternal decompression.
In this study, we assessed our therapeutic strategy, consisting of three principles:
①Removal of subdural hematoma by wide cranio-tomy-small dural incisions, in well-decompressed case, connecting the small dural incisions and stanching the bleeding points on the cortical surface but not proceed-ing with contusional hemorrhage in emergency opera-tions, ②Post-operative induction of mild barbitu-rate-moderate hypothermia therapy and ③Intentionally delayed evacuation of the intracerebral contusional hemorrhage when needed.
The patients' profile is composed of an old therapy group (27 cases) and a new therapy group (20 cases) suffering from ASDH with cerebral contusion. The cli-nical outcome with the old therapeutic strategy was good recovery (GR) in 7 cases, moderate disability (MD) in 5, severe disability (SD) in 2, vegetative state (PVS) in 3 and death (D) in 10, whereas the outcome with the new strategy resulted in GR in 15 cases, MD in 3, D in 2. These clinical results indicate that the rates of mortality and severe morbidity were markedly re-duced with our new therapeutic strategy.

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