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Plasma cell granulomaは,肺や上気道などに発生することの多い炎症性腫瘤で2),中枢神経系に発生することは稀であり,これまでに10例足らずが報告されているに過ぎない1,4,5,7,10-12,18,26).
われわれは,画像所見像も術中所見からも髄膜腫と診断したが,術後の詳細な組織学的検討からplasma cell granunomaと判明した1症例を経験した.本症例では,腫瘤の成長過程をCTで観察することができ,術前MRIも施行した.それら画像所見を提示すると共に,plasma cell granulomaの診断上の問題点についても検討を加えた.
Plasma cell granuloma occurs most frequently in the lung and upper respiratory tract; fewer than ten cases have been reported to occur in the central nervous sys-tem. A case of intracranial plasma cell granuloma in a 69-year-old male was reported. He visited our clinic, complaining of progressive visual disturbance. The CT in this patient showed a suprasellar mass, diagnosed as a tuberculum sellae meningioma. Over a 10-year observation period the tumor grew remarkably and, when finally removed, it proved to be a plasma cell gra-nulonia. This report presents CT scans and MR images and a review of the literature relevant to this rare in-tracranial lesion. The most common preoperative dia-gnosis in these cases, as reported here, was menin-gioma. Although plasma cell granuloma rarely occurs in-tracranially, the existence of this entity should be borne in mind in the differential diagnosis of meningioma.

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