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今回われわれは気管支拡張症に合併した小脳虫部高位に位置する膿瘍に対しTranstentorial hiatus approachによるCT誘導下定位的膿瘍吸引ドレナージ術を施行し良好な経過を得たので,若干の文献的考察を加え報告する.
We reported a case of cerebellar vermian abscess, well managed by CT-guided stereotactic aspiration and drainage via the transtentorial hiatus route. A 69-year-old man was admitted to our hospital because of acute deterioration of bronchiectasis. About one month later, he complained of headache and gait unsteadiness. CT scan revealed a multilocular abscess in the cerebellar vermis. Although conservative therapy with antibiotics was applied, the symptoms deteriorated and the lesion continued to grow. Aspiration and drainage were there-fore performed for the main lesion by CT-guided stereotactic surgery via the transtentorial hiatus route.This was completed without complications. The postop-erative course was good and the lesion had disappeared when enhanced CT was carried out about 2 months af-ter the operation. We consider this stereotactic trans-tentorial hiatus operation to he an effective treatment for patients such as the present one with a superior ver-mian lesion and who is at risk due to a poor respiratory condition.

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