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Multicentric gliomaは1896年のGowers5)の報告以来1-10%とされているが報告者によって差がみられ本邦では比較的稀である.RussellとRubinstein17)によると脳実質内やクモ膜下腔との連続性をもたず脳内転移の否定できるものをmulticentric gliomaとしている.最近,われわれはテント上3カ所に発生したmulticentricgliomaを経験したので報告する.
We reported a multicentric glioma having three sepa-rate lesions in the cerebrum. A 75-year old man was hospi-talized with progressive disorientation. Computed tomo-graphy demonstrated two lesions in the left temporal lobe and the right frontal lobe. Magnetic resonance image dis-closed one more lesion in the right occipital lobe. 2-staged operative procedures were performed for the left temporal and the right frontal tumors. It was histologi-cally proven that one was glioblastoma and the other was anaplastic astrocytoma. The patient subsequently under-went radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
Most multicentric gliomas are diagnosed in autopsy. Therefore it should be stressed that diagnosis is best made by biopsy or surgery. We discussed what therapy we should use for this fatal disease.

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