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海綿状血管腫は中枢神経系のvascular malformationの5-13%を占めると言われており18),比較的稀な疾患とされている.特に脳幹部に存在するものは稀で,かつては生前診断は困難であった.
A case of cavernous angioma of the pons which was surgically and successfully excised was reported. A 36 year-old man complained of progressive
headache, double vision and tinnitis. Neurologic ex-amination revealed left fifth, sixth and seventh cranial nerve palsies. He had left limb ataxia and right sided hemisensory deficit. A computed tomographic (CT) scan on admission disclosed a hematoma in the left lateral portion of the puns. Serial CT scans demonstrated pro-gressive increase of hematoma. MRI scans revealed an area of mixed signal intensity in TI weighted images. These findings were thought to be consistent with a cavernous angioma. Three months after the onset, surgery was performed using a lateral suboccipital approach. Histological examination disclosed cavernous angioma. After surgery, the patient's neurological de-ficits improved, and after 3 months, all symptoms except the mild limb ataxia had disappeared.

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