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一方,脳幹部海綿状血管腫の報告は稀であるが,出血にて発症した症候性脳幹部海綿状血管腫は,高率に再出血し死亡率の高いことより,積極的な摘出術の必要性が強調され,直達手術の報告も増加している3,4,6,7,9-15).今回われわれは,Orbitofrontomalar approach(以後,OFM approach)にて全摘し得た大脳脚海綿状血管腫を経験したので,手術術式を中心に報告する.
A case with cavernous angioma at the left cerebral peduncle was cured surgically.
A 36-year-old male was admitted with complaints of right facial palsy, right motor disturbance and cheiro-oral syndrome. CT revealed a round high-density mass in the left cerebral peduncle and thalamus. Angiography showed no abnormality. MRI showed a round high-intensity mass on TI- and T2- weighted image in the left thalamus, which meant hematoma at a subacute stage and mixed-intensity core in the left cerebral peduncle, which was cavernous angioma. Symptoms disappeared, and high-density also disappeared gradually, but rebleed-ing occurred. Because of this, an operation was per-formed by the orbitofrontmalar approach. Hematoma and angioma were removed under ABR and SEP moni-tor, which showed no abnormality during the operation. Histological examination of the surgical specimen re-vealed that the abnormal vessels were cavernous angioma.
The postoperative course was uneventful without cosmetic problems.

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