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cryptic vascular malformationが原因と思われる脳幹部血腫に対する直達手術の報告は稀であり,しかも,手術例の血腫の存在部位はほとんどが第4脳室底剖の橋背外側である1,4,5,7,11,12,16,19).
今回われわれは橋腹外側から中脳にかけての特発性脳幹部血腫を,keel form skin incisionを用いた側頭開頭18)から,subtemoporal & trans-tentorial approachにより,摘出に成功し,組織学的にcavernous angiomaとの診断を得た症例を経験したので,若干の文献的考察を加え報告する.
The authors presented a surgically treated case of cavernous angioma extending from the ventral part of the pons to the midbrain.
A 20-year old man was admitted to our service with left motor weakness, dysarthria and consciousness disturbance. CT scan revealed a round wellcircumscribed high density lesion in the pons and midbrain. This was diagnosed preoperatively as a criptic vascular malformation with hemorrhage. The right temporal craniotomy with keel form skin incision and subtemporal & trans-tentorial approach was performed in an attempt to remove the hematoma and the angioma.

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