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脳卒中治療ガイドライン2015の「抗血栓療法に伴う脳出血」の項では,抗凝固療法に伴う出血については,血液製剤の投与がワルファリン内服中の場合はグレードB,非ビタミンK阻害経口抗凝固薬(non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulant:NOAC)に関してはグレードC1に位置付けられている.その一方で,抗血小板療法に伴う出血に対する記載は「血小板や血液凝固系の異常を合併し出血傾向を認める症例では血小板,プロトロンビン複合体,新鮮凍結血漿などの血液製剤の投与を考慮してよい(グレードC1)」にとどまる9).
抗血小板療法中の非外傷性脳内出血に対する濃厚血小板(platelet concentrate:PC)輸血の有効性について,これまで少数の報告がなされてきた5,8,10).2016年に報告されたランダム化比較試験(RCT)のPATCH trialでも,その有効性は否定された1).しかしながら同試験は開頭血腫除去術などの手術施行可能性のある症例については対象外となっている.当科では2014年より抗血小板薬内服中の緊急手術施行例では,全例術直前にPC投与10〜20単位,抗血小板薬内服患者の保存的加療例についてもPC投与10単位を施行している.
BACKGROUND:A recent randomized control study(the PATCH trial)found no beneficial effect of platelet concentrate(PC)transfusion on the prognosis of patients with intracerebral hemorrhage(ICH)treated with anti-platelet agents(APAs). However, the trial excluded surgical cases. In this study, we examined the effect of PC on ICH, including patients who received surgical treatment.
METHOD:A retrospective cohort analysis was performed in 23(11 males, 12 females)of 35 patients diagnosed with ICH and treated with APAs between January 2010 and December 2015 at the Department of Neurosurgery, Yamaguchi University Hospital. Twelve patients were excluded due to the use of anticoagulants or replenishment of coagulation factors.
RESULTS:PC transfusion was administered in 12 cases(PC group)but not administered in 11(non-PC group). Conservative therapy at admission was used in 7 and 9 cases in the PC and non-PC groups, respectively, and none of these cases showed hematoma enlargement during conservative therapy. Surgical treatment was performed in 6 and 2 patients in the PC and non-PC groups, respectively, and hematoma enlargement occurred postoperatively in one patient in each group. Outcomes at 3 months after onset showed no significant difference between the groups(mRS 0-3:6 vs. 5 cases, p=0.34). Patients who received PC had no serious adverse events during hospitalization.
CONCLUSION:In this study, surgery after PC transfusion was performed without any problems. There was no difference in prognosis between patients who did and did not receive PC. These results suggest that surgery can be performed safely after PC transfusion.
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