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破裂脳動脈瘤によるくも膜下出血に対する治療成績は,ISAT13,14)やBRAT10,16)など大規模臨床試験の結果が相次いで発表されており,長期成績において開頭クリッピング術に対するコイル塞栓術の非劣性が示されている.その一方で,脳内血腫を伴ったくも膜下出血に限定した大規模試験はこれまで報告がなく,実臨床において治療に難渋する症例は多い.脳内血腫を伴ったくも膜下出血は,くも膜下出血全体の約1/3に認められ17),一般的に発症時のWFNS gradeは悪く重症例が多い5,6).その結果,予後不良群が多く,死亡例は21〜85%にも及ぶと報告されている15).脳内血腫を伴ったくも膜下出血は,血腫を伴わない場合と比較すると動脈瘤の再破裂率が3倍であるという報告4)もあり,破裂脳動脈瘤に対してより早期に治療介入をすることが,生命予後改善に寄与する.
OBJECT:Aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage(SAH)associated with intracerebral hematoma(ICH)typically has a poor outcome. SAH with ICH tends to have a worse prognosis than SAH alone. The aim of the present study was to evaluate whether coil embolization during endovascular surgery with ventricle drainage and without ICH evacuation is an appropriate treatment.
METHODS:A retrospective review was conducted between March 2012 and May 2015. Thirteen patients with SAH with ICH who underwent coil embolization were retrospectively analyzed. Modified Rankin Scale(mRS)scores were compared for postoperative clinical outcomes of different hematoma locations.
RESULTS:All ruptured aneurysms in the present series of patients were treated using endovascular surgery. Six patients underwent additional ventricle drainage. Only one patient underwent craniotomy for evacuation of the hematoma following coil embolization. Despite ten out of thirteen patients(76.9%)having a preoperative SAH clinical grade, as evaluated using the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies grading system of Ⅳ or Ⅴ, six(46.2%)patients had a favorable outcome(mRS=0-2).
CONCLUSIONS:Coil embolization for ruptured aneurysms, especially those located in the frontal lobe, with ICH and without cerebral herniation may be a feasible alternative and less invasive treatment.

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