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癌の温熱療法は単独でも有効であるが,放射線や化学療法との併用で相乗効果も期待できる治療法である1,5,8).ラットgliomaモデルを用いてのin vivoの慢性実験で加温療法や加温療法に放射線を併用した場合の有効性をすでに報告した12).
今回は同じラットgliomaモデルを用い,加温療法,放射線療法,両者併用療法における急性期腫瘍細胞傷害を経時的に観察した.通常の光顕標本のほかHoshinoら2)の方法を応用してBromodeoxyuridine(BUdR)を投与しin vivoでの腫瘍細胞増殖抑制効果につき検討した.
Single and combined treatment of interstitial microwave hyperthermia (HT) and radiation therapy (RT) were delivered to rat glioma models. The animal model tumors were induced by intracerebral inoculation of a small piece of G-XII glioma tissue to 6-8 weekold rats. Heating to about 44℃ at the surface of the inserting antenna using a 2450 MHz microwave was carried on for 30 minutes. A single dose of 800 r to the whole head was delivered by deep X-ray apparatus. In combined treatment, heating immediately preceded irradiation. Following treatment, animals were sacrificed at 1, 3, 6, 12, 24, 48, 72 and 96 hours.

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