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悪性グリオーマの治療には,手術療法に,放射線療法,化学療法,免疫療法の併用が行われ,治療成績の改善が報告されつつあるが10,18,32,34),満足のできる成績ではない.その理由の一つにヒト悪性グリオーマ細胞がヒト悪性腫瘍細胞の中で,最も放射線抵抗性であることが挙げられる9).このため脳の放射線耐容線量限度内で局所制御を達成するには,併用療法による効果の増強が望まれる.そこで我々は悪性グリオーマに対する補助療法として,放射線療法と化学療法として,1-(4-amino-2-methyl-5-pyrimidinyl)methyl-3-(2-chloro-ethyl)-3-nitrosourea hydrochloride(ACNU)と5-fluorouracil(5-FU)の併用を行ってきた.
Rat gliomas of subcutaneously transplanted RGc - 6 cells were irradiated with X-ray either alone, or com-bined with ACNU, and the cell-survival was assayed in vitro. Cell-survival curve composed of two components by X-irradiation alone indicated the presence of a hypox-ic cell fraction. We have previously shown that com-bined treatment with ACNU apparently made the effect of X-ray on spheroids in vitro of the same cell line of RGc - 6 more powerful. Although treatment of rat gliomas with ACNU administered at 2 hrs prior to X-irradiation was most effective, it resulted in only the additive effect of the independent action of the two agents. Further treatment by 06 - ethylguanine prior to ACNU administration and X-irradiation apparently in-creased the strength of the effect of ACNU combined with X-ray to the dose-modifying factor for X-ray of 1.8. The result indicated that the combination of (r -ethylguanine prior to ACNU administration and X-irradiation may clinically enhance the effect of X-ray against apparent ACNU-resistant glioma cells such as RGc - 6 cells.

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