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今回われわれは,顔面痙攣で発症した脳動静脈奇形(以下AVMと略)症例を経験した.また,本症例は動脈瘤を合併しており,AVM摘出後には動脈瘤が消失した.この病態にはAVMのhemodynamic stressが強く関与していると考えられた.症例を呈示し,若干の文献的考察を加えて報告する.
A case of cerebellar AVM onset with hemifacial spasm was reported. The patient, a 47 year old woman, had been suffering from It. hemifacial spasm for 10 years, and she visited our hospital for operation. Preop-erative angiography revealed that there was an AVM in the It. cerebellar hemisphere fed by the It. SCA and the It. PICA. In addition, a non-ruptured saccular aneurysm was observed on the feeding SCA. The mi-crovascular decompression was performed and the AVM was removed, since the it. facial nerve had been com-pressed by this elongated and redundant PICA. After the operation, It. hemifacial spasm disappeared.

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