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Oligodendrogliomaの90%はテント上に,しかも主として大脳半球に発生する14).Martin7)はこの大脳半球のoligodendrogliomaとやや異なった臨床的特徴をもち脳室を中心に発育したものをmidline groupとして一括し,以後midline oligodendroglioma, intraventri—cular oligodendroglioma6)などの名称での報告が散見され,臨床的特異性が強調されている.われわれも最近2例の側脳室内oligodendrogliomaを経験したので,臨床的特徴,MRIを含めた画像診断,手術方法を中心に報告する.
Oligodendrogliomas rarely grow primarily in the ventricles. When compared to more common hemi-spheric counterparts, such intraventricular oligoden-drogliomas, or oligodenclrogliomas of the midline group (Martin), present distinct clinical features, namely, (1) they occur in the younger age, (2) an interval between clinical onset and diagnosis or oper-ation is shorter, and (3) initial symptoms are most often limited to those of increased intracranial pres-sure, although the patient may occasionally present mild organic dementia, callosal disconnection syn-drome, and/or mild gait ataxia.

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