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われわれは最近,CT(computed tomography)装置に松本式定位脳手術装置を組み込み,術中CT scanを行って得られた画像から直接立体座標を得て,穿刺針の方向を修正し,またその深さを求めて,意図する手術目標点に達するという,いわば,"CT-controlled stereotactic operation"とでもいうべき手術法を考案した.このための手術の理論と手術術式については前編で報告した12).これにひきつづき,本稿では,この手術を実際に行った9例の視床および大脳基底核部の小血腫例について,その臨床経験を報告するとともに,このような小血腫の手術適応,手術時期,機能予後などについて若干の検討と見解を加え報告する.
Theoretical principles and actual operative pro-cedures of "CT-controlled stereotactic operations," which was invented by us, have been reported in the previous paper of part 1.
In this paper, it is reported 9 cases, 5 of putaminal hemorrhage and 4 of thalamic hemorrhage, who underwent CT-controlled stereotactic operations for evacuation of their small hematomas. Eight patients were male and one patient was female. The age of patients ranged from 42 to 75 years, with a mean age of 62.7 years and there were 3 patients of over 70 yearsold.

Copyright © 1985, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.