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近年,頭蓋内海綿状血管腫cavemous angiomaに関する報告がわが国でも散見されるようになり,その診断と治療について検討されるようになってきた2-4,6,10,11,15,18).今回われわれは腫瘍内出血を思わせる臨床症状を示した第3脳室前部側壁の海綿状血管腫の1例を経験しbifrontal craniotomy interhemispherical trans-laminaterminalis approac14)により一塊として全摘出し良好な結果を得たので,頭蓋内海綿状血管腫の臨床所見,治療,及び第3脳室前部腫瘍の手術法について若干の考察を加えて報告する.
A case of cavernous angioma at the lateral wall ofthe third ventricle which was totally removed withinterhemispherical trans-lamina terminalis approachis reported.
A 40-year-old male had a slowly progressive onsetof partial diabetes insipidus and headache with noneurological dificit. CT scan revealed a high densityarea at anterior third ventricle. The tumor wasdiagnosed ectopic pinealoma because of CT findingsand clinical symptoms. Irradiation and chemotherapy(RAFP therapy) was performed to this lesion. Aftertwo months, his clinical symptoms disappeared.

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