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そこで,われわれは術後症例に対して血漿膠質浸透圧の維持を意図し,頭蓋内圧亢進のoncotic therapyを兼ねて,albumin投与を行い,主としてalbuminの頭蓋内圧に及ぼす影響について検討した.その結果,albumin投与は頭蓋内圧下降の手段として,臨床上多角的に有利であることが示唆されたので報告する.
Albumin plays an important role in maintaining anadequate plasma colloid osmotic pressure (COP).On the basis of the Starling's law, we postulatedthatelevation of plasma COP produced by infusion ofserum albumin would result in the withdrawal ofcerebral interstitial fluid. To test the hypothesisthat an oncotic gradient would produce cerebraldehydration and result in reduction of intracranialpressure (ICP), we infused intravenously 25%solutionof salt-poor human serum albumin, 2g/kg over 60minutes for 10 patients with increased ICP.

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