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Katzman13)によれば,脳浮腫の定義は,脳組織内水分含有量の増加の結果,脳容積の増大した状態とされ,一般的に脳浮腫はvasogenic edemaとcytotoxic edemaに区別されている9,13).
いわゆるvasogenic edemaの主病変部は臨床的4)にも実験的3)にも脳白質細胞外腔へのPlasma成分の異常貯留状態であり,vasogenic edemaの本態解明の鍵は,この状態における液体の移動,吸収および脳細胞,脳血管の反応に対する研究にあると考えられる.
In this report, we have described the way of makingthe infusion edema model, physiological changes ofvarious parameters during this procedure, distributionof water content in white and gray matter and thelightand electron microscopic findings of this edemamodel, for the further understanding of vasogenic edema ofthe brain.
To make the infusion edema model, 25-6 needlewas stereotaxically inserted into the left frontalwhitematter of the cat brain. Through the polyethylenecatheter with three way stop cock, this catheter wasconnected to the pressure transducer and slowinfusion pump.

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