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最近われわれは,転落により前頭正中部を打撲し,頭痛,嘔気を訴え.さらに軽度の左下肢単麻痺を来たし,biplane CTにて大脳半球間に硬膜下血腫が認められた1例を経験した.
A case of traumatic interhemispheric subduralhematomais reported and 7 cases, including ours, reported intheliterature are analyzed.
A 43-year-old jogger hit his forehead in thetraffic accident.After medical care for the wound at the nearhospital, hewalked to home without any neurological deficits. Onthefollowing day, he complained of headache, nausea andslightgait disturbance, so that visited us 5 days afterhead trauma.On the biplane computed tomograms, interhemisphericsubdural hematoma was detected. A distinct avascularspace in this portion was found on the right carotidangio-grams.

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