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一方,髄液循環動態からみた気脳症の病態についての報告は少なく,ことに合併する髄液鼻漏との関係については興味がもたれるところである13,14).最近われわれは繰返す髄液鼻漏を合併した脳内気脳症を手術的に治療したが,この例の臨床経過および術前術後のCT cisterno-graphyを検討することにより,興味ある知見を得たので,若干の文献的考察を加えて報告する.
A 19-year-old boy suffered from headache and intermit-tent CSF rhinorrhea, was admitted to Matsuyama ShiminHospital on June 1, 1979. Two months prior to admissonhe had had a frontal head injury with confusion and theright nasal bleeding.
Plain skully x-ray films and biplane (axial & coronal)CT revealed intracerebral pneumocephalus in the rightfrontal lobe with depressed basal skull fracture into theright ethmoid sinus. Clinical conservative courses ofintermittent CSF rhinorrhea, headache and vomiting wererelated to the changes of the air shadow on plain skull films.
Copyright © 1982, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.