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頭蓋骨には,内板,板間,外板のそれぞれから腫瘍が発生する.頭蓋骨内板からは髄膜腫が,外板からは骨腫が,板間からは転移性腫瘍のほかに種々のmesenchy-mal originの原発性腫瘍の発生が知られている.最近,われわれは頭蓋骨に原発した巨細胞腫(giant-cell tu-mor,osteoclastoma)を経験した.本腫瘍の多くは膝関節周囲の長管骨骨端に発生し,頭蓋骨に原発することは稀であるので,本症例を報告し,本腫瘍の診断と治療について若干の文献的考察を加えたい.
The majority of giant cell tumors occurs in the longbones, especially around the knee, and only 1.4-1.8% ofcases are found in the skull. In this communication, a caseof giant cell tumor of the temporal bone is reported becauseof a rarity of the lesion in the skull.
The 37-year-old houswife was admitted to our cliniccomplaining of swelling in right temporal region which hadgradually developed over a two-month period. On examina-tion, there was a swelling about 5cm in diameter beneathright temporal muscle; its surface was smooth and its con-sistency was hard. Tenderness was found in its center.

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