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抄録 頭蓋内脂肪腫は稀な疾患であり,特に小児例の報告は少ない。発生部位は脳梁に最も多いことはよく知られている。我々は最近6例の頭蓋内脂肪腫を経験した。2例は,いわゆる脳梁脂肪腫であった。この2例はいずれも前頭部頭蓋破裂を伴っており,文献的にも極めて稀な症例でもある。2例は四丘体槽に生じた脂肪腫で,うち1例は脂肪腫により中脳水道閉塞を来していたため,出生時に先天性水頭症の診断で収容された。1例は左シルヴィウス裂内に生じた脂肪腫で,これも報告例として極めて稀である。残り1例は于回槽に生じた脂肪腫であった。この1例を除いた他の5例はいずれも3歳以下の幼児ないしは新生児であった。また,6例中4例は脳梁欠損を伴っていた。これらの自験例を基に,臨床的分析ならびに文献的考察を行なった。
Intracranial lipoma is a very rare tumor, and infantile lipoma has been reported quite scarcely. The authors recently have encountered six cases of intracranial lipoma, five are infants and one is adult, on which the results of neuroradiological examinations, especially CT findings are reported. Two of six cases had lipoma of the corpus callo-sum associated with cranium bifidum at the mid-line of frontal region. Two of six cases had li-poma occurred at the quadrigeminal cistern. To one of them showing advanced enlargement in circumference of the head in the postnatal period, the V-P shunt was conducted for obstructive hy-drocephalus. Another case had agenesis of the cor-pus callosum associated with interhemispheric cyst. One case out of six had lipoma originating from the left sylvian fissure and the remaining adult patient had lipoma located in the interpe-duncular cistern. Four cases out of those six were associated with agenesis of the corpus callosum. Based on published reports, the etiology, neuro-radiological features, clinical symptoms and signs, differential diagnosis and surgical indication were discussed.

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