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頭蓋骨に由来する疾患が,ときに一般の脳腫瘍と同様に頭蓋内占拠性病変となることがある.aneurysmal bone cystもこのような例の1つであるが,その報告は稀である.最近われわれは,右側頭骨に発生し,著明なmass effectを呈したaneurysmal bone cystの1例を経験したので報告し,一般的事項,診断,治療上の諸問題について文献的考察を含め言及したい.
A case of aneurysmal bone cyst of the right temporal bone was reported.
The patient was a 36-year-old male who was admitt-ed to our hospital with complaints of decreased right hearing and transient impairment of the right vision. A large tumor was palpated on the right temporal bone. Neurological examinations revealed right auditoryloss, along with right facial weakness of peripheral type, and minimal pyramidal signs on the right side. The results of the laboratory examination proved to be normal. Neuroradiological examinations tended to be quite impressive.

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