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髄膜腫は全頭蓋内腫瘍の12-18%を占めるが,多発性に発生することは少ない.例えば和賀ら27)によれば,261例の髄膜腫中多発性髄膜腫は4例(1.5%)であったにすぎず,しかもそのうち2例は剖検によりはじめて多発性の髄膜腫であることが確認された症例であった.一方Abtahi1)は,351例の髄膜腫中12例(3.4%)が多発性であったが,そのうち3例はvon Recklinghausen病(レ氏病)と合併し,他の4例は通常の髄膜腫(単発性)の再発手術時に,はじめて発見された多発性髄膜腫であったと述べている.ところがCushing & Eienhardt4)は,レ氏病あるいは聴神経鞘腫に合併していない"morethan one meningioma but Something less than a diffusion of them"という所見を呈するものを"multiple meningioma"と定義している.しかし文献上本症とレ氏病とは,例えばAbtahi例1)のごとく明確に区別されているとはいえない.
A 55-year-old female visited the hospital complaining of headache and occasional nausea on October 2, 1976. She had been receiving the therapy for the control of her diabetes mellitus for last three years. She was admitted to the Department of Internal Medicine on November 2. when she was drowsy, and left hemiparesis was noted as well. Her consciousness level was gradually aggravated after temporal improvement by administration of hypertonic solutions. The patient was transferred to the Department of Neurosurgery on November 5, when she was semicomatose with serious repiratory distress.

Copyright © 1978, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.