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一方,1971年英国でHounsfieldにより開発されたComputed Tomography(CT)は,脳室系および脳表くも膜下腔の形態を表わすのに侵襲の少ない画期的な方法であることが認められ,水頭症,脳萎縮などの診断にも広く応用されるに至った2,3,4,5,8,14,18).われわれも,SAH後のCSF循環動態の変化,特にNPHとの関係を検討する目的で従来施行してきたRI-cisternography11,12)と,新しく導入されたCT(EMI-scanner)の両者により検索し,臨床症状,経過と対比しつつそれらの診断的価値について再検討したので報告する.
Fifty-four cases with SAH were studied by both radionuclide cisternography and computed tomography. Sites of bleeding were confirmed by angiography. Number of cases with aneurysm are 41, AVM 7, trauma 2 and others 4. Cisternography was performed using 0.5 to 1mCi of 169Yb-DTPA which was given intrathecally by lumbar injection. Scans or camera images of the lateral and anterior views were obtained after 3, 6, 24 and 48 hours.
Copyright © 1977, Igaku-Shoin Ltd. All rights reserved.